Central london flat refurbishment . Flat to be rented out with tight budget and a challenge set to add value to the massive GF floor height by potentially adding a mezzanine floor.
Client: Offshore investor
Duration: 3 months
Type: Single flat
Project was fully designed and reconfigured from initial architect proposal that was non-functional for the client. Major Oak managed to add a mezzanine and minimise area lost through circulation optimisation adding unimaginable value to the client.
Major Oak assisted with the freeholder consent application form to ensure approval for the client and liaised with freeholder surveyor and building management team to deliver the project without any nuisance to other owners.
Client’s location abroad and busy schedule did not allow for frequent face to face meetings on site. The whole process was managed by Major Oak while the client received frequent reports and video documentation of progress to enable them to take the required decisions. The client was delighted to receive their new flat finished on their next visit to London and rent the flat within a week of marketing above asking price!
Full bathroom reconfiguration, introduction of sliding doors to save space and tanking.
All bedrooms were reconfigured modernised and fitted with built in wardrobes design and build by Major Oak.